Métodos de jumpseller LIQUID
About Liquid Liquid is an open-source, it was developed for usage in Ruby on Rails web applications. It is used to load dynamic content on storefronts. In Liquid there are…
About Liquid Liquid is an open-source, it was developed for usage in Ruby on Rails web applications. It is used to load dynamic content on storefronts. In Liquid there are…
Para reparar primero se prueba el sgte comando: REPAIR TABLE 'tabla'; Si el sgte comando te muestra que no lo ha logrado como en la sgte imagen Puedes intentar correr…
// Get Product ID $product->get_id(); // Get Product General Info $product->get_type();$product->get_name();$product->get_slug();$product->get_date_created();$product->get_date_modified();$product->get_status();$product->get_featured();$product->get_catalog_visibility();$product->get_description();$product->get_short_description();$product->get_sku();$product->get_menu_order();$product->get_virtual();get_permalink( $product->get_id() ); // Get Product Prices $product->get_price();$product->get_regular_price();$product->get_sale_price();$product->get_date_on_sale_from();$product->get_date_on_sale_to();$product->get_total_sales(); // Get Product Tax, Shipping & Stock $product->get_tax_status();$product->get_tax_class();$product->get_manage_stock();$product->get_stock_quantity();$product->get_stock_status();$product->get_backorders();$product->get_sold_individually();$product->get_purchase_note();$product->get_shipping_class_id(); // Get Product Dimensions…
Solo debes considerar cambiar el nombre de tu field, en el post data. // Validar Rut chileno en el check out de WooCommerceadd_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', 'validar_rut_chileno');function validar_rut_chileno($posted_data) { $rut = sanitize_text_field($posted_data); //…
<?phpfunction obtenerImagenes($directorio) { $contenido = scandir($directorio); $imagenes = array(); foreach ($contenido as $elemento) { if ($elemento != '.' && $elemento != '..') { $ruta = $directorio . '/' . $elemento;…
add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'required_min_cart_subtotal_amount' ); function required_min_cart_subtotal_amount() { // HERE Set minimum cart total amount $minimum_amount = 250; // Total (before taxes and shipping charges) $cart_subtotal = WC()->cart->subtotal; // Add an…
ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
Meter éste código en un index.php en una carpeta con el nombre del plugin, en la carpeta de plugins <?php /* Plugin Name: Pagos Locales Description: Pagos para Tienda Local…
//cambios del checkout order comments add_filter( 'woocommerce_enable_order_notes_field', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'bbloomer_custom_order_notes' ); function bbloomer_custom_order_notes( $fields ) { $fields = array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'placeholder' => '# Depto, Letra…
function replace_text($text) { $text = str_replace('Correo electrónico', 'replace-with-this-string', $text); return $text; } add_filter('the_content', 'replace_text');